Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Power of Prayer

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you've had a great start to the week!

Today I truly discovered the power of prayer. I took part in I am Second's phone prayer group today, and there were 3 other people who prayed this morning for about 30-40 minutes. We broke the Lord's prayer down and asked for specific things that Jesus tells us to pray for. I feel so open and free; God heard my prayers and broke chains. Jesus poured his grace over me again. Every time you pray, you become a new person-- free and beautiful. It doesn't matter if sometimes you fall short of God's glory, He knows that you won't be perfect. That is why He gave us His son to forgive those sins and be our link to our God. Like Jesus says, all you need to pray each day is the Lord's Prayer. Break it down, ask for what you need each day.

Matthew 6: 9-13 is the Lord's Prayer, and if you honor God (Matt. 6: 9), ask to show the word of God and Jesus Christ as it is in Heaven on Earth (doing missions, essentially) (Matt. 6: 10), to give us what we need to be sustained (Matt 6: 11), for forgiveness in ourselves and in others (Matt. 6: 12) and to deliver us from evil (to keep Satan out of our lives in whatever form he may come in) (Matt. 6: 13) during your prayer each day, the Lord will give it to you. It isn't a very hard format, and your prayers can change daily for you or anyone else you are praying for.

Prayer is, for me, one of the best ways to feel close to God and Christ. Our God does so much for us when we don't deserve it, but Christ has forgiven our sins so that we can walk with Him. Thank Jesus everyday for that! Christianity is really more a relationship than a religion. Prayer is how it becomes a relationship. I will pray for all of you so that you can see the beautiful relationship we have with Jesus if you haven't seen it already. If you have any prayer requests, you can post them below in the comments (and I'm very sorry if it takes a while for me to moderate them, I'm trying my best!), or you can email them to me (missionfaithblog@gmail.com), post them up on our Facebook fan page, or Tweet them to me (@Mission_Faith). Have a blessed day! Love you all!


  1. youre how old? 15? yea about the same age as me but how can you have so much faith? currently I am struggling with my faith and my life I just have issues just read my blog so many issues i know what my idols are but im just not sure I want to give them up and i just need prayer...

  2. Yep, I'm 15. My faith is still growing, but there have been so many occurrences this year that have humbled me and brought me closer to Christ. Everyone has them in their lives, and one day you will too. Everyone has issues as well, it's Christ that gets you through them. I will pray for you so that you can find right from wrong, but remember you have to pray for yourself as well to find that and make active searches. God bless you!
