Friday, July 15, 2011

Jemima's Testimony

Here's the first testimony from another teen I have received-- I'm hoping this is the first of many!

Hello name is Jemima
I grew up with a Christian family but really wasn't a Christian. I would go to church everyday I would go to Sunday school and knew all the bible stories, I would call myself a Christian But really didn't walk like a young teen believer. I went to middle school and got bullied and at that time I was really depressed really got in Metal music i was calling myself emo and stuff. I really was very sad and I went to High school my best friend knew her ever since kindergarten kind of left me down the road. I was pretty sad  because I thought she was going to be in my life forever, but God brought me to these People who really changed my life and who inspired me before I was really wasn't into reading the bible but now I love the bible i read it everyday now but i had to forgive a lot of people but in the end of the day people come and go. I don't need anyone but Jesus

I hope everyone sees the last sentence-- it is so true!!! Send in your testimony at