Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Ten Commandments: Third Day

God gave me so much insight on this commandment today! I have a personal story behind it, and He is giving me the opportunity to share it!
The third commandment is to not swear in the Lord's name. This means NEVER to say God's name unless we are uplifting it. Also, never say Jesus Christ unless we are praising him like we should! Far too often we hear Their names used in vain. Another thing we should never do is swear! If we heard a person say foul words, is our first thought "Wow, that guy/girl must be a Christian! They are really uplifting God!" No! We think "What disgusting language!" If you ever find yourself wanting to swear or use God's name in a non-uplifting way, stop! Pray for strength to stop yourself and for forgiveness for using those words.
Now for my personal story: Before I was Christian, I used God's name in vain ALL THE TIME. I didn't realize how sacred His name is, and I didn't really care. I also swore frequently. I had a terrible, disgusting mouth. Once my friend and I started going to church and I really saw HOW GREAT GOD IS, I quit that habit INSTANTLY. I feel terrible for ever saying those awful things, but I know Jesus has given me a new, clean heart and that I'm forgiven. My family (who is not Christian) often says these words (in particular my brothers), and I have told them many many times how offensive it is to me and that I wish them to stop. Has it gotten better? A little. Persistence in reprimanding them and persistence in prayer will help people realize how sacred these names are and that fowl language is unnecessary.
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And please keep praying for my friends, their father's funeral is tomorrow. They will need a lot of strength. 
God bless this beautiful day!

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